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Application of segment code LCD screen in mountain bike code table

Input time:2021-5-10
Reading times:388

Segment code liquid crystal originated from the early application of liquid crystal display, mainly to replace LED digital tube (composed of 7 pen segments, used to display numbers 0-9), such as calculators, clocks, etc. the display contents are numbers, which is relatively simple. Now, non lattice liquid crystal display is generally called segment code liquid crystal.


Mountain bike is a bicycle designed for cross-country (hills, trails, fields and gravel roads, etc.) and was born in San Francisco, West Bank of the United States in 1977. At that time, a group of young people who were keen to ride beach bikes on the hillside thought: "it would be very interesting to be able to ride a bicycle from the mountain." So we started the design of cross-country bikes, which was officially named mountain bike in two years. Since then, "speed down competition" as a new sport in sports competition has emerged. Athletes ride mountain cars and slide down at high speed along the prescribed downhill line, and those with high speed win, attracting many fans. Although bicycle started in Europe, the American invented mountain bike swept the traditional concept of bicycle, blowing a new wind all over the world. Nowadays, more and more young Chinese people like it, and it is popular to become a healthy and fashionable sport.

The birth of the code table on mountain bike is to meet the increasing demand of people. Taking the code table displayed by Segment LCD as an example, most of the display shows: speed, total mileage, single mileage, gear position, power display, etc. now many code tables will also show riding time, total calories consumption, fat burning, etc.

Compared with the lattice liquid crystal, the pixels of the segment liquid crystal are arranged and arranged freely. The most common is the "8" field similar to the digital tube. An "8" word consists of seven pen segments, namely 7 pixels“ The "8" word of the "meter" type consists of 16 pixels. Of course, the pen segment of the segment liquid crystal can be made into any shape, as long as the driving capacity of the driver chip is allowed. For example, logo, other designs, words, etc.

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Address:liudao Industrial Park, Yaoguan Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City