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Is the mountain bike code meter wired or wireless?

Input time:2021-5-10
Reading times:328

Many friends like to measure their speed and distance by using the code meter. In fact, it is necessary to install the code meter. At present, the code meter is mainly divided into wired and wireless types. Today, let's take a look at whether the code meter of mountain bike is wired or wireless?


The wired code table is mainly used to transmit sensor signals through data lines, and it is the most used type of code table at present.

Advantages: the performance is relatively stable, the speed is accurate, and it is not easy to be disturbed. As long as a small battery can work independently, the power consumption is very low, and the price is usually relatively cheap. For example, the cool code meter and Boger code table are both cable codes, and the quality is very good. However, the price is below 80 yuan, and the waterproof property is also very good, Sensors are sensitive and have night effects.

Disadvantages: the installation of cable code meter is relatively troublesome, and it also affects the overall car's aesthetics.

Wireless code table

Wireless code table is also equipped with external sensors and magnetic heads, but it does not need to use data line to transmit model, and receive directly.

Advantages: the wireless code meter is easy to install, and does not affect the overall beauty of the car, the sensor sensitivity is stronger, and the design of functions is also more diverse and intelligent.

Disadvantages: Although the speed of the wireless code meter with good quality is accurate, the price is relatively high. For example, the wireless code table of Jeanne and cat eye in Japan is not accurate in speed calculation and unstable in performance, which will be interfered frequently in the use process.

Through the above introduction, we can find that although the wireless code meter is fashionable and beautiful, it may be of high price or poor quality. Although the cable code meter affects the beauty of the car, it has stable performance, strong anti-interference and low price. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a cable code table here, Especially the cool night light cable code table I am using at present, the quality is very good, you can click to see the details.

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